Hypnosis To Get Over A Breakup

Breakups are tough. Anyone who has been through one knows that it can be a harrowing experience. If you're struggling to get over a past relationship, Clinical Hypnosis (aka Hypnotherapy) may be able to help you recover from a broken heart or toxic relationship. One of the ways we begin to address the pain of a past relationship is by addressing the memories associated with it. 

Image by Anthony Tran

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Move On After A Difficult Breakup

You need to understand that memory is malleable, and we are more likely to remember experiences based on high emotional arousal - for better or worse. For example, when a relationship ends, its often accompanied by intense pain and sadness, which is likely to leave us with a strong memory of the incident.

We also know that memory is subjective, and we easily distort memories based on our moods - perhaps adding in aspects that weren't there. Often people who are having a hard time processing a breakup will recall "exaggerated" or "distorted" memories of their relationship. They may recall good times with an ex as "happier" than they were. For example, you may remember a beach vacation with an ex and completely ignore the memory of your awkward, silent meals at the resort, yet you will remember holding hands while watching the sunset.

You see, we are constantly replaying memories or creating new scenes, images, and sounds in our minds. This is how we communicate naturally with ourselves from the time of birth. I find Hypnosis to be so effective for getting over an ex because I can communicate with my clients in the same way they create their problems via images and sensory information. Using various hypnosis techniques, we can bring more balance and objectivity back to those "exaggerated" memories, creating a sense of freedom from the past and a renewed sense of positivity for the future.

But Wait...Will Hypnosis Erase My Ex From My Mind?

It's been ages since I've seen the movie Eternal Sunshine, but within the storyline, we learn that the love interest (Kate Winslet) has been hypnotized to forget her ex (played by Jim Carey). Of course, getting over a breakup is NOT about erasing the memory of your ex -- as Hollywood would have you believe -- at least not within my practice. 

Hypnosis Helps You Boost Your Self-Love & Self-Esteem

Often when a breakup is unexpected, you may feel unsafe and insecure. You may even start to reflect on all your perceived deficiencies. You may look at your body and begin to notice our love handles or gray hairs even more. We may look at the low balance in our bank accounts and start to dwell on how you're underpaid and overworked. Your focus often becomes one of scarcity and lack, and you may resurface old, deep-seated beliefs that date back to your adolescence that you are unlovable, an outcast, or destined to be lonely.

While I know breakups can be extremely painful, I think they create the space for us to do the inner healing required for true self-love and self-esteem. Because Hypnosis is so effective for inner child work and inner conflict resolution, it can effectively and efficiently help us begin to value ourselves and find a greater sense of purpose.

How long does it take for Hypnosis to help you get over an ex?

It really depends on the individual. The deal is that you must choose to change. You can't go to a hypnotherapist expecting to be fixed. Hypnosis is not magic, but it can create magical results within a shorter span of time compared to other modalities. With that said, you must take responsibility for your part in the hypnosis session, which means you may need to talk about some uncomfortable feelings and be willing to explore the thinking process that has kept you stuck in feelings of hurt and loss. Most importantly, you must be willing to let go of your past.

Many of my clients are already on a self-development journey. They may have a therapist, meditate, and read self-help & relationships books. Others are new to exploring their inner world and may require a little more time.

Most people find that 3-6 sessions are ideal for helping them identify and release old wounds and limiting beliefs. They notice they start feeling lighter and focused on the future. Other clients continue to work with me bi-weekly or monthly because they want to optimize different parts of their lives once they feel better.

How to get started with Hypnosis:

If you're new to hypnosis or working with me, I’d suggest starting with a FREE consultation to discuss if hypnotherapy would work for you. Please note that this is not an overnight cure.

However, if you’re ready to get started, Heal & Move Forward: TTH Method™ 3-Session Journey is your best bet to focus on rebuilding confidence and giving you the tools to take back your power.


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